• Automated testing and quality assurance

    The implicitTap method works using the handy pumpUntil* methods. implicitTap is an "implicit" tap. It will wait through the pumpUntilVisible method for its Finder and tap on it. If timeout - throws a test error.


    Some quality assurance scenarios require data to be stored. For example: we opened the details of the map, hid the map and we want to find it in the hidden ones. To do this, you need to remember the product id - that is, the data for the search.


    I wanted to store any parameters, so we created our own World - ContextualWorld. For convenience, there are two helper methods:


    setContext sets the value for the key to the context.


    getContext returns a value. It is important to do getContext with a generic, so as not to write each time in the steps, for example, as String. The context can be dynamic, so you need to cast types. Using the method, you can simply specify the type <String> in <T>.

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